Ability Mail Server 5.0.0 Released

Ability Mail Server 5.0.0 Released

Postby Code Crafters » Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:07 am

We have now released Ability Mail Server 5.0.0

Changes in this update are:

- Added: WebMail folder list filter.
- Updated: WebMail to Angular 13.
- Updated: WebMail number of languages increased from 52 to 89.
- Updated: WebMail folders ordered by special folders first then alphabetical.
- Updated: WebMail move emails modal now auto-focuses the folder filter.
- Updated: WebMail date format.
- Updated: WebMail Email page 'Close' button renamed to 'Back to Messages'.
- Updated: WebMail auto-signups now requires at least one signup domain.
- Updated: AMS Transfer tool migrates user language (e.g. en-US to en).
- Fixed: AMS Transfer tool now correctly migrates users and groups.
- Fixed: Remote Admin 'language is invalid' error could prevent saving.
- Fixed: WebMail Edit Address Book Entry didn't load the correct fields.
- Fixed: WebMail compose message body click didn't always focus the edit area.
- Fixed: WebMail new folders didn't appear in move email folder list straight away.
- Fixed: WebMail large numbers were sometimes wrongly converted.
- Fixed: WebMail mobile menu options didn't align correctly when hovered.
- Fixed: WebMail logout now shows a loading spinner.

https://www.codecrafters.com/AbilityMai ... ateHistory

To update your current installation, please select ‘Check for Updates’ from the Help menu of the dialog admin interface. You can also perform the update by downloading from https://download.codecrafters.com/ams.exe and re-installing over the top of your current installation.

We value our customers at Code Crafters and would love to hear any feedback or suggestions you may have about any of our software.


Code Crafters Team
Code Crafters
Posts: 947
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:35 pm

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