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Loss of Settings

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:00 pm
by m1byo

I have just turned the server back on after taking it down for the weekend whilst the room containing the server had some building work done over the weekend.

When I looked at my emails I was suprised to find that the spam filtering had not worked.

When I looked at the spam settings, all the settings were blank / disabled, I have now re-entered all of these settings again (I would have restored from the backup, but that is still packed away as a result of the building work).
I had this problem a while ago where all of the SPF custom errors were removed, but as I was not using them at the time I did not think any further about it.

Before re-entering the settings, I tried restarting AMS and also rebooting the server, neither of which recovered the settings.

It seems very odd that the settings were localised to only the SPAM filtering settings and none others.

Thanks very much


Re: Loss of Settings

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:02 pm
by m1byo
I have now (after this issue!!!!) just upgraded to V2.61, I dont know if this will affect the cause!


Re: Loss of Settings

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:55 am
by Code Crafters
Settings are only normally lost if a file becomes corrupt or unreadable. In version 2.61 we've added a new facility to rebuild user accounts when the user's config.ini file is corrupted but for SPAM filtering these settings are in the smtp.ini. In version 3 these will be moved to a separate spamfiltering.ini most likely. I can only imagine that the file became somehow deleted or corrupt causing the SPAM settings to be lost but this would lose all your SMTP settings. The other explanation is that you have more than one installation and the NT service caused the wrong installation to load with an old version that doesn't have these settings and hence didn't save them if any changes were made. Note also that on Vista and probably Windows 2003, settings are stored either in Program Files or in the user space depending if you start the application in administrator mode or not and this often causes all settings to appear to be lost but not really. Let me know if you find this happening again or a way to trigger it happening.

Re: Loss of Settings

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:05 pm
by m1byo
Thanks very much chris.

I am using Server 2k3. I will let you know any results I find.

