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Inactive User List

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:58 am
by nmewarlok
How about making some way to determine who is your "inactive" users. We currently manage some 1625 email accounts, and I know a few hundred or more are simply dead accounts that need cleaning up. Perhaps assign a last logged in date. I came into an ISP whos record keeping in the beginning was ... well not very well being new to the business. This would be a very nice addition and solve having to manually confirm who is using and who is not using, and prevent you from backing up users who are dead / nonexistant / no longer with your service / etc

Re: Inactive User List

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:36 pm
by rob
Presently there isn't a way to quickly search who is inactive, but we did record the last log incase we decided to add such a feature. Basically in each accounts 'config.ini', there is a parameter called 'lastlogintime' (eg. lastlogintime=20080204103416). The format of the number is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. If you had the facility, you could write a quick script or application which could scan through all the users config.ini and make a list of inactive users. Alternatively this value could be manually examined per user but of course that would be rather time consuming.