We use Ability in a K-12 school environment and have since been since Dec 2005.
We have 1000 student accounts and 150 staff accounts
Overall we have been happy with the product.
However I am becoming frustrated with the lack of progress of the vapourware V3 of Ability.
My main issues with 2.63 of Ability are
1. The throttling of IMAP and Webmail connections to around 70kb/s to 100 kb/s max even on local network
I reported this issue to Rob. These days these speeds are not even good enough for internet connections given the size of mails these days
2. Account lockout works on IP not account name
This is a real issue in a school environment. If a student gets his password wrong too many times (or tries to guess another's password) then the account lockout will lockout the IP address of the computer. If another student uses that PC within the lockout period they are denied access.
3. Windows Authentication is still not available
This is not good enough for an "Enterprise" product
We are investigated doing our own Windows login wrapper for Ability but we shouldn't have too.
4. The IMAP4 services hangs at random intervals......can crash twice a day or not for a week.
We have had to write our own service watcher / restarter to work around this
5. Mailing lists don't have option to send each message separately.
We use the mailing lists to send bulk mail outs to parents. A lot of ISP's will not take a message with too many local recipients.
Thankfully Ability has a lot of flexibility in the filtering engine and we are able to integrate a separate mailer to individually email each list recipient.
(Febooti is the mailer we script because it can "re-email" eml files in correct format)
6. Webmail is looking dated
Don't get me wrong, I love Ability and it is very hassle free and robust.
I don't want to change mail servers but especially the throttling issues are causing a lot of annoyed users.