HTTP front end

HTTP front end

Postby belyache » Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:58 pm


I was wondering if their is a "web" front end for the end user of the FTP site?

I have the Ability FTP server running on a server that could serve webpages as well as the FTP site. I thought it would make it easier for the novice end user if I had a webpage where a user could access the FTP server. in other words, the user browses to a website, enters his/her credentials, then has access to the FTP server showing the files available for download, and a button (browse) to find files on their PC to upload. Obviously, everything behind the scenes will be FTP, but will have a WEB front end.

Sometimes users have problems figuring out how to upload, even in Internet explorer, I just want to make it easy for them.

Thanks in advance.

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Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:50 pm

Re: HTTP front end

Postby rob » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:23 am

Thanks for the suggestion, in version 2, which hopefully we will be releasing next year, we do indeed plan to add such a interface. However, at the moment version 2 is still on the drawing board and so nothing is yet official.
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Re: HTTP front end

Postby Richard Harrison » Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:19 am

I noticed these posts from almost two years ago, and wondered if there had been any further progress on this "version 2" which appeared to be tabled for 2008. We would love to be able to provide a web interface to our users, ideally one we could configure and personalise.

Any news?
Richard Harrison
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Re: HTTP front end

Postby Code Crafters » Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:14 pm

We are currently working on several other projects but do intend to make a new Ability FTP Server 2 in maybe a years time which may be released end of 2010 but this is just an estimate at the moment. Also, none of the features for this will be confirmed until the project starts so I can't promise anything at this stage. Projects have a habit of taking twice as long as you plan them to but rest assured AFS2 is in the pipeline.
Code Crafters
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