Abilty Web Server?

Abilty Web Server?

Postby ColinABQ » Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:16 pm

First, I apologize for this misplaced post, but I couldn't find a place for it that didn't tie it to either the FTP or Mail servers. So, seeing a thread here about an HTTP front end, I thought I'd start here. Admins and moderators, feel free to either trash or move this!

My question is, has Code-Crafters considered launching an Ability Web Server product? You've obviously got "all the pieces in place," so to speak. Of course, many -- if not all -- FTP and Mail server customers already have a web server, so perhaps there are some marketing issues there. It might be a hard sell, in other words. But, given the great job you've done with your products so far, and the nature of those products, I imagined that you might have considered this. Just thought I'd ask if you have any plans on that front.

Personally, I'm only now firing up my first "real" server box, with Windows Server 2003 SBS -- I've been running home servers under XP for years. So, I have no idea how good or bad an idea it would be to either displace or augment IIS with another product, and that would certainly be an issue of concern for the developers and might be a market-killer. But, I'd at least be interested in exploring that option, and would certainly consider a Code-Crafters product as a first choice in that regard!

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Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Re: Abilty Web Server?

Postby Code Crafters » Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:03 am

We have considered implementing Ability Web Server before. However, there are already many freeware web servers out there that are very good, including IIS which of course comes free with Windows. We probably could achieve a much easier to use interface than many of the free web servers out there but the product would have to be freeware which is the only reason we never implemented it so far.
Code Crafters
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Re: Abilty Web Server?

Postby ColinABQ » Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:22 pm

Thanks, Chris. I understand. I had to ask about it, just in case.
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:08 am
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

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