Help with Norton Corporate AV

Help with Norton Corporate AV

Postby Mobile785 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:06 pm

I'm trying to setup AntiVirus filtering but I'm not able to get this working with Norton AV Coprorate 8. I keeps failing when trying to run the Test. It obviously has something to do with the parameters. I tried loading the Norton and Symantec that comes with AMS and changing the EXE to what I believe is the correct one but its a no go. If anyone has gotten this to work I'd love to hear from you.

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Re: Help with Norton Corporate AV

Postby Code Crafters » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:57 pm

The software has a preset which you can load via the dialog admin interface. This will fill in our recommended settings including the filename, parameters and return value. The filename needs to be altered to include the full folder path and filename we recommend. This needs to be a command line scanner exe to work. If you do all this the Test should work. Note that if you are running Norton antivirus in the background you also need to disable any background mail scanning as this will usually intercept and interfere with mail server delivery as well as delete the test virus file before the test is complete showing a failed test that would have otherwise succeeded ok. It's also possible that your version of Norton Antivirus does not contain a command line scanner in which case you will need to acquire a version that does contain a command line scanner or use an alternate product that has one included.
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