Capturing the email from "name" (not the address) in a log

Capturing the email from "name" (not the address) in a log

Postby ehavemann » Tue May 11, 2010 11:25 pm

I am aware of the AMS field tags "FromAddress" and "HeaderFromAddress", but these don't capture the email sender's name, only their email address. For example an email address of the form "Firstname Lastname<". The "Firstname LastName" component is what appears in the "From" column in my AMS Webmail Inbox. I can capture the "" component in a log file using the AMS field tags, but I want to know if there is a way I can also capture that "FirstName Lastname" component in a log file using a field tag.
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Re: Capturing the email from "name" (not the address) in a log

Postby Code Crafters » Thu May 13, 2010 8:11 am

You're right that the FROMADDRESS tag will show the SMTP Sender from the SMTP envelope which is the true from address as opposed to the headers which can easily be forged. However, this will usually never contain a personal name and if it did originally the email address would be the part that would be saved anyway. There is also a HEADERFROMADDRESS for the From Header Line but I can't remember if this will ever show the personal name either; I'd guess probably not though and you seem to have tried both of these already.

Using the personal name is currently not possible other than using an external application and using the Execute Application action passing "%s" to the application as a parameter to let it edit the file. I will forward a request for this information to be added to the filter tags in a future update though.
Code Crafters
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Re: Capturing the email from "name" (not the address) in a log

Postby ehavemann » Mon May 17, 2010 5:19 am

The reason I am asking is that the "personal name" component of the email address frequently contains"names" like "viagra" or "free" which neither the the subject or body contains, and I want to be able to perform content-filtering based on those names. Also is the "personal name" factored into Baynesian spam filter training?
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Re: Capturing the email from "name" (not the address) in a log

Postby Code Crafters » Mon May 17, 2010 8:21 am

Personal names like this will appear in the From and other header lines of the email. These can be filtered using content filtering by the conditions Header Line "From" CONTAINS "viagra" or the condition MESSAGE HEADER CONTAINS. These will also be used in bayesian filtering automatically.

The SMTP envelope Sender is seperate to the email but these are just email addresses for delivery and even if they do contain personal names, these are thrown away after email delivery so are irrelevent here really; it's the mail headers you will need to filter as mentioned above.
Code Crafters
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