I'm having trouble with our smtp server right now. We have 2 domains that ability mail handles, [companya].com and [companyb].com. The [companya] resolves to x.x.x.8 but the [companyb] resolves to x.x.x.11. However, the mail server for both is on x.x.x.8. We have no problems sending mail from the [companya] domain. But we can't send smtp from the [companyb] domain as it gives us the error 'Send test email message: None of the authentication methods supported by this client are supported by your server'.
Now at first I would have thought we just had some sort of authentication problem. However, both domains are setup identically in abilitymail and the outlook accounts to use them are identical as well. The only difference I can tell is that the richer base domain doesn't resolve to the exact IP as the mail server.
what can I do to fix this? is this a bug or do we just need to configure something correctly?