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W2K8 Web - AMS - Search Hanging Server

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:01 am
by centralusa
We upgraded our dedicated server from Windows Server Standard 2003 (64-bit) to Windows Server 2008 Web (64-bit). All went well and mail server is running fine however we have now found that seacrh does not work, in fact anytime we use it it hangs the webmail and also the AMS Service ultimately. We simply installed AMS on the new server (same version as previous server), copied the entire config directory over to new server (all paths are exactly the same on new server), stopped the old server, started AMS on the new one and everything went without a hitch.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?

Re: W2K8 Web - AMS - Search Hanging Server

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:12 am
by Code Crafters
Although Ability Mail Server is supported on Windows 2008 it is as yet not fully tested and there may of course be some bugs like what you've mentioned appear with the new operating system. I will forward this onto the team for further investigation and hopefully to be fixed in a future update. Unfortunately, we don't yet have a copy of 2008 in our offices to test this on but are working on that so we can run further testing as appropriate.

Re: W2K8 Web - AMS - Search Hanging Server

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:22 pm
by centralusa
Thanks very much for the reply, we held off on Windows server 2008 for as long as we could due to fears of some incompatibilities. The last app we thought would give us issues was our beloved AMS! Unfortunately we have a very important client who brought this issue to our attention and its too late for us to go back to Win 2003 Server now (this is our main mail server for all clients). As we rarely, if ever, have any issues with AMS I do not come here much but in my searching it seems like AMS 3 has been worked on/promised for a very long time. We have a very small window with this particular client and believe we'll need to switch to Smartermail unless we can get an sliver of hope that AMS 3 is not vaporware?

Thanks again for your great app and I am sorry Microsoft once again has shafted its developers with their latest release.

Re: W2K8 Web - AMS - Search Hanging Server

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:19 pm
by Code Crafters
You shouldn't have any problems with 2008 other than the tray icon doesn't show for the dialog admin interface. However, you can still start the app from the start menu or desktop shortcuts or use remote admin from any location. We are definitely creating AMS version 3 but we expect this to be released next year as its almost a full rewrite of the current version.