SMTP incoming mail rejected

SMTP incoming mail rejected

Postby johnkinn » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:56 am

A person sending mail to our server with a large amount of attached data gets:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently.
.....was rejected by the recipient domain. The error that the other server returned was 552.552
Message size exceeds permitted (state18)

I have unchecked "max mail size" and "max account size" for the group which I thought meant that there is no upper limit for a message.

What am I overlooking?
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Re: SMTP incoming mail rejected

Postby rob » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:03 am

You will also need to check the general settings mail and account size limitations as there are overall controls that also restrict these. I should note however that the error message doesn't seem to match the error messages within Ability Mail Server, and so I suspect that some SMTP service between your mail server and the sender is enforcing a size limitation (their mail service, a SPAM filter you use...etc).
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Re: SMTP incoming mail rejected

Postby johnkinn » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:02 pm

OK, I updated "Max Mail Size" to 10240000 KB and "Max Account Size" to 20480000 KB in the general section.

Still no joy.

I get the following transmitting from my work Lotus Notes with an attachment of 77mb. This is a different route from the route of the first message I quoted above.

Error transferring to d01av04.pok.IBM.COM; SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size


I realize this is probably not a message created by Ability Mail Server, but it seems precipitated by the response from the Ability Mail server.

But I admit, I am just guessing.

Is there or should there be an entry in the Ability Mail Server logs that records a rejection of this sort?
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Re: SMTP incoming mail rejected

Postby rob » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:00 am

I suspected that changing the maximum mail size in general settings still wouldn't fix this issue and I believe this confirms that its a mail limitation external to yours. Of course its possible an error code from AMS is prompting that failure notification. If you wish to see if this is being caused by AMS, examining the SMTP logs should reveal this. 77MB is unfortunately quite large and many mail systems (hotmail being one that I know of) will not permit such a large mail.
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Re: SMTP incoming mail rejected

Postby johnkinn » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:14 pm

You are correct. I just learned that DYNDNS has an upper limit of 10 megabytes per message for their MAIL HOP RELAY.
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