I am getting a FAILED when sending emails to a certain couple of mail servers e.g. messagestream.com. In the OUTGOING.txt log it says:
"Connection closed, failed to start SSL"
I've turned off the SSL to None and it works OK. My understanding is that if the SSL connect doesn't work it should fail over to non-SSL and send, but it doesn't.
From the manual:-
"SSL Mode - When using either Independent Mode or Relay Mode, this option controls the use of SSL and TLS. Usually most SMTPs do not support SSL and so ofte"n this option will be set to 'None'. However, if you are not certain that SSL will be supported but still wish to try anyway, you can select an SSL mode from the list. This will cause outbound connections to try to use SSL.
Only Allow Secure Connections - If SSL Mode is set to any SSL mode other than 'None', this option controls whether or not non-SSL connection attempts are allowed when SSL connections fail."