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Indivdual e-mail domain management?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:53 pm
by AJMarshall
Is it currently possible with AMS to have varied levels of remote management?

I am running AMS with a few domains for friends. I would like to allow the domain owner to be able to manage their domain on my AMS (and not manage MY AMS, just their e-mail domain.)

Is this possible (today?)


Re: Indivdual e-mail domain management?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:55 am
by Code Crafters
You can have an overall admin login set in the general settings and then also set domain administrators in each of the domain settings. These domain administrators will then be able to log in via their WebMail interface and via their WebMail options will be then able to add and remove users from the domains they are domain administrator for.

Re: Indivdual e-mail domain management?

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:12 pm
by AJMarshall
OK - it's been a while and I just tested this theory ... I can't get it to work out.

here's the scenario:

master domain for AMS is - managed mail domain is ... user is listed as administrator contact as seen in the domain management. logs on to the general (port 80) web interface (as opposed to the port 9000 admin console.) the's web interface is the same as any user - there are no options allowing for user management.

Please advise as to what it is that I am missing.

Thank you,

Re: Indivdual e-mail domain management?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:56 am
by Code Crafters
All you have to do is go into the main admin interface then for the domain in question, go to the settings and under the option Domain Admin(s) add the users you want to be able to administrate the domain. Preferably use the select button to add existing users. Also make sure you are using the new enhanced WebMail templates in case you originally used the software previous to version 2.50 and haven't upgraded. If you are unsure, just delete your webmail.ini file when the server is not running to automatically use the new template.

Re: Indivdual e-mail domain management?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:32 pm
by AJMarshall
That was it ... I had copied the templates to domains with the intent of customizing them. I bagged the .ini file and let it recreate - then fixed it to my liking ... BUT I am no longer using the -OLD- templates stored in the domain subs ... just the standard template.