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SMTP Authentication for internal servers, possible all hosts

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:17 am
by Pugglewuggle
Hi again,

I was just piddling around with an ISA server yesterday and set it to email me security/uptime reports daily...

When I got the email a few hours later I realized that I hadn't set any credentials for SMTP authentication in the ISA dialog!

I have the internal IP range in which the ISA server resides set in the Safe IP list under the SMTP >> Relaying Access tab. Is this the reason it didn't require a username/password pair? Is relaying anonymous for safe IPs? If this is the case then I assume it DOES require auth login for all other IPs not on the safe list? Or is this another problem altogether which can open the server up to spammers trying to relay?

Thanks in advance!

Re: SMTP Authentication for internal servers, possible all hosts

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:13 am
by rob
If the IP of the ISA server as within the relaying safe IP range, then this is indeed the reason why the mail got through without verification. The safe IP list basically is intended to allow certain IP's to skip all relaying checks. All other IP's would be subject to the usual relaying checks (auth login required etc).

Re: SMTP Authentication for internal servers, possible all hosts

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:21 pm
by Pugglewuggle
Cool, thanks!