Multiple SMTP hosts

Multiple SMTP hosts

Postby talha » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:28 am

Sorry if this has been asked before ..(search said this too common so cannot search)
For outgoing mails i cant find any option to assign multiple SMTP hosts. here is the problem i have two internet connections from two different ISPs. They work together as load balancing but one i have dedicated to AMSs traffic, but if one goes down the other takes up everything. For smtp host i always use ISP1s smtp server but when ISP1 goes down and AMS starts using the internet of ISP2 the smtp of ISP1 does not work and i have to change the smtp in AMS to ISP2. and reverse the change once ISP1 comes back online. So is their any way that i can provide two smtp servers sort of failover that if one fails AMS switches to secondary?

I also have my own smtp server provided by hosting provider, but it does not work at all. Besides it requires authentication and there is a separate username/password for each account. But in AMS i only have an option to set a single SMTP and that too in outgoing mails settings.Can i set smtp servers or atleast unique username/password on the same smtp server for each user? the problem is that if i use a single user's username/password for every user then the smtp server thinks i am spamming because of high traffic from only one user.

any help will be highly appreciated.

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Re: Multiple SMTP hosts

Postby Code Crafters » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:57 am

1. By default Outgoing Mails will use any IP it can find to send mail out. Therefore, if you don't assign a specific bind to IP for outgoing mails it should send on any available IP. If that IP fails, mail should be automatically sent out using one of the other available IPs.

2. You can setup static routes to use a different username / password per domain you are sending to. However, this option can't give a router per user sent to as you could obviously send to multiple users. If an email is for multiple domains then the mail will be split into multiple mails and delivered via the appropriate static route or via the default outgoing route if it doesn't match any domains for static routes.
Code Crafters
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Re: Multiple SMTP hosts

Postby talha » Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:54 pm

1. Sorry there is some misunderstanding my AMS does not have more than 1 local ip and only one gateway of internet server which is running on another machine. I enter the smtp relay host in the outgoing mail window in the outgoing mails tab. Here how can i enter multiple smpts relay hosts?

2. yes the static route only allows me per domain setting - but this does not solve my problem... this is why is I use open smtp provided by my ISPs and not the one provided by my hosting provider
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Re: Multiple SMTP hosts

Postby Code Crafters » Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:31 am

1. In future updates of AMS we hope to add a big outgoing mail service upgrading including mutliple outgoing routes, queue priorities (e.g. mails sent once and failed to be delivered will become lower priority than new mails etc.), a mail queue viewer to view and take actions on current outgoing mails in the queue and more.

2. The above update may also have a random option to randomly pick one of many outgoing routes rather than using them sequentially to solve this problem. For you I'm afraid per domain static routes is the only way you can customize the outgoing route chosen.
Code Crafters
Posts: 933
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:35 pm

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