Log filtering and emailing

Log filtering and emailing

Postby malcolmhum » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:33 pm


Is there anyway to filter logs create them as a txt file and send them via email using the ability mail server? if so could you show me how this would be done. I'm looking to filter for failed emails, so that we can manage access and I would like to be able to receive emails either with a txt file or an email report.
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Re: Log filtering and emailing

Postby Code Crafters » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:57 pm

You need to use content filtering to do custom logging and / or emailing. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by failed emails as there are several things that con contribute to this. If emails are blocked by your SPAM then you can use a combination of SPAM flags / custom events as a trigger to content filtering to act on. Outgoing mails have a failure message to sender option. You can see lots of different information about emails as they pass through content filtering and log / email based on that. There are also preset content filter rules to copy incoming / outgoing / all emails to another email address and much more.
Code Crafters
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