One-Look Statistic/Monitoring Panel & AWESOME suggestions

One-Look Statistic/Monitoring Panel & AWESOME suggestions

Postby Pugglewuggle » Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:50 am

It would be really awesome if you could put a "one-look" monitoring panel into AMS 3.0 - maybe make it the 1st screen once somebody logs into the admin.

It should contain details like:

Number of queued mails waiting to be sent.
Number of POP3 retreivals in system (to identify bandwidth consuming services).
Number of mails sent today, yesterday, last week, month, quarter, year, ever, etc (selectable of course).
Number of users connected to services (already exists, but it could be spruced up).
Total mail server throughput (in, out, and both).
Number of active users (today, yesterday, last week, month, quarter, year, ever, etc (selectable of course)).
Disk space taken up and remaining (maybe a small chart or pie graph) - (NOT by whole disk for taken up -- only what exists in the config folder where accounts exist).
RAM taken up and remaining (maybe a small chart or pie graph) - integrate with WMI.
CPU load taken up and remaining (maybe a small chart or pie graph) - integrate with WMI.
Number of relays.
Number of users/disabled users.
Number of errors/denied transactions.
Time and date of last admin login.
Number of new webmail autosignups (today, yesterday, last week, month, quarter, year, ever, etc (selectable of course)).
Number of legit emails/spam as detected by bayesian filter (maybe a small chart or pie graph)
Other various details admins love!

I know this is a bad example, but the new Windows Vista task manager is a cool example of the types of graphs/charts I would like to see (in addition to maybe some pie graphs). Something like this shouldn't be too hard to do to give an admin a quick'n'easy graphical overview of what's going on with the server without having to slave over log files.

Speaking of log files... I can't stand them -- never could -- and I KNOW I'm not the only one. You should add a log viewer (maybe like MS event viewer - but better) into the AMS dialog (accessibly via a button - maybe on each user's profile or elsewhere) so that we can check the logs without having to navigate the FS and look at them. This would really reduce time tracking down spammers.

Another suggestion I have is to make the search feature faster (users can get huge inboxes and file-by-file searching can take 20 seconds for 20,000 emails even on our new server/RAID array. Maybe use an index....

Also, get rid of those stupid arrows on the user control panels! Those drive me CRAZY! Make the tabs stacked like in system properties after you right click on My Computer in Windows, like this:

And the last one for today: for purposes of accessing the dialog in AMS 3.0 - give the main administrator the ability to create secondary administrator accounts with limited capabilities (which can be defined by the main administrator). That way the main admin can offload some of the work to other people without risk of compromising the entire system to an unscrupulous "secondary admin". :D
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Re: One-Look Statistic/Monitoring Panel & AWESOME suggestions

Postby rob » Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:00 am

Thank you for another selection of good ideas. For version 3 we are of course developing a monitoring system and we do plan to spice up the interface with graphs and stats on the current and past performance of the mail server. The tabs of course have never been a great feature of our interface but when we tried stacking, the interface look messy and busy (there are a lot of tabs for a user). However, version 3 we are giving it a overhaul so pretty much anything is possible. One thing I should point out is that the AMS 3 interface should be seperate and remote, in that the interface can be installed on a seperate computer and and you 'connect' to AMS. This means Remote Admin will be much more enjoyable.
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Re: One-Look Statistic/Monitoring Panel & AWESOME suggestions

Postby Pugglewuggle » Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:49 am

That sounds great! If you are in need of beta testers or someone who can give you some feedback, just let me know.

Thanks as always!
Posts: 89
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:38 pm

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