As an admin I find that I have users ringing me up telling me that their mailbox is full quite often. I would prefer to be able to pre-emptivly resolve these issues without them even knowing (or at least be expecting their call). So:
How about a way for Ability to send an email when the accounts reach a certain percentage of their max limit ?
ie. In each domain config have a separate tab or something where you can:
Enable/Disable the threshold notifications for the domain.
Set Threshold 1 value (percentage value, 0%-100%)
- E-mail address(es) to send notifications to for Threshold 1
- Copy the notification to the user? (yes/no)
Set Threshold 2 value (percentage value, 0%-100%)
- E-mail address(es) to send notifications to for Threshold 2
- Copy the notification to the user? (yes/no)
PS. 0% would disable that threshold level notification, 100% would notify when full.
It might be nice to be able to apply a default at the top (mailserver) level which applies to all domains (but if you set at the domain level then it overrides the default set at the top level).
What do people think ?