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User-controlled filter-based redirection

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:41 am
by PBCliberal
I'd love to see users be able to (if enabled) redirect some of their email based on a set of rules to a re-direct address. Users can redirect now, but its an all or nothing proposition. That's the meta, here's a specific example of why we'd like it, but there are lots more reasons this might be cool:

We get a lot of spam email at several addresses that are also used by our clients to reach us. We do minimal spam filtering for everybody, but try to excise the spam for the high-volume legacy accounts in the email clients (typically Thunderbird). We've also been using these clients (with a plug-in) to redirect mail from known clients (at known client domains) to another account that is checked often by PDAs. We're going to start doing this select and redirect with a set of rules at the administrator's panel (with rules that limit the redirect to only the high volume accounts). It would be a lot more convenient (and make a lot more sense for us) to do it at the account level through the account-level web interface. The existing code (or even a more full-featured subset) would work great for client use.

Essentially, all the parts are already there, but not in the right places.

Re: User-controlled filter-based redirection

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:44 am
by rob
Thank you for your suggestion. We have considered several times in the past the idea of having user level filters, similar to content filtering. Presently these have not planned implementation date as we have many other priority features to add. However, I have made an ammendement to these ideas and added the option to also redirect to external addresses to the list of possible actions.