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Timed pop3 retrievals

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:39 am
by Jack
I would really like to see an option that one could use to time the pop3 retrievals to go off every 20 minutes or what ever. I have a second mail server configured identically in case the primary server goes down and have not been able to force the pop3 retrievals to occur.

I know this could be set up to forward on the second server but I'm not sure that would work and it's another step that could be eliminated by my suggestion.

One reason for this is that I have clients that have some salesman go out for a day or more and have the email for that salesman redirected to another address, since this person does not log on the pop3 retrievals do not occur and some emails are left on the second server.

If anyone has another way of doing this that would work better I'm open to try it.

Thanks in advance, Jack

Re: Timed pop3 retrievals

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:06 am
by Code Crafters
In the POP3 Retrievals service settings (not user POP3 retrievals) there are Automatic POP3 Retrievals which are polled periodically. You can control the period in minutes by altering the Poll Frequency (mins) setting.

Re: Timed pop3 retrievals

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:43 pm
by Jack
This will work but I was hoping for something the users could do on their own and not have to rely on me setting it up for them. It means a lot more work for me. :D

Re: Timed pop3 retrievals

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:07 am
by Code Crafters
Previously, we haven't polled user POP3 retrievals since most users would normally just check their mail when logging in. However, I can see that if they were online for a long period of time that a periodic retrieval could in this case be useful. I have noted your request for consideration in a future update.