There is no known bug that can change a password to blank is there?
We have had no reports of a bug where users passwords can get reset like this. However, with the interface, it could be possible to accidently clear the password box when editing a user. But glad at least you found the source of your SPAM issue.
I have a similar situation with a user that keeps getting undeliverable (failure) messages for spam that appears to be originating from their account.
1. Is the only way this is possible is by the acocunt being compromised?
2. Which log/s would we check to research which IP address used this account to send out this spam? I assume the SMTP log but I don't see hwo to tell which local acocunt is used to send outgoing mail
The kind of SPAM you indiciate doesn't require your users details to be hacked. Basically SPAM systems can quite easily imitate mail from your system, even though it likely never has touched your system, and some external mail servers will return failure notices to your domain regardless. To help reduce this, I would recommend setting up SPF for your domain, as this would reduce the effectiveness of SPAM attempting to fake mail from your domain. However, to check if your users details have been compromised, the best step is to watchy our outgonig mail queue size. If this seems higher than it should, then I would recommend looking at the outmail log first to identify which mails are potential SPAM. You can then cross reference these with the SMTP log (searchign for the sender or recipient addresses) and identify when and who (if they logging into the SMTP) sent the mail. If the same user seems to be logging in various times on the SMTP sending lots of mail, its possbile their login details are being used to send SPAM.