Still losing Bayesian Settings

Still losing Bayesian Settings

Postby cearnshaw » Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:53 pm

Our AMS loses all spam settings once every few weeks. White lists and black lists remain intact, but the spam filter becomes disabled and the settings related to Bayesian, SPF and RBL return to an unticked state and Spam score threshold % etc. settings are gone. Anyone else seeing this? We notice it because we start getting bombarded with spam

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Re: Still losing Bayesian Settings

Postby rob » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:58 am

SPAM settings are stored within the smtp.ini file, and so what you can do is make a backup of that file and restore that file should this happen again (Deintialising and Initialising the mail server will force it to reload any restored INI file). Unfortunatly this hasn't been reported before and so it could indicate something is slightly amiss on the file side of things. This could be that your hard drive is suffering errors, a third party application is interfering with the read/writing of files (such an antivirus). I would recommend performing a hard drive scan to ensure it isn't that of course. I should note that the smtp.ini is treated just like the other INI files, and so I am surprised this problem isn't effecting all areas of the mail server.
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