Max Mails Per IP Per Day

Max Mails Per IP Per Day

Postby cearnshaw » Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:15 pm

We have our "max mails per IP per day" limit set high to keep mail from one of our trusted sites from being blocked. Unfortunately, this means if a spammer compromises one of our accounts they can have their way with us until they reach this rather high limit. Is there a way to keep trusted IPs from hitting the "max mails per IP per day" limit?


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Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:19 pm

Re: Max Mails Per IP Per Day

Postby rob » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:07 am

Presently this setting effects all mail, and there is currently no way to white list an IP for this setting. I have made a recommendation a white list be added in the future. In them meantime, most likely a SPAM source will abuse your system by getting ahold of some username and password. This means that you can create a new group, place the trusted site in that new group and do no set a mail sending restriction. Then in your old group, you can enforce a maximum mails per day limit. This will then work on a per user basis, and offer a similar protection.
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