Finding user accounts that are missing passwords

Finding user accounts that are missing passwords

Postby cearnshaw » Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:00 am

We've found a few of our accounts that did not have passwords assigned were being compromised by spammers. Is there a simple way for us to find if there are any other accounts that do not have passwords, i.e. by looking at files on the server, for example.


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Re: Finding user accounts that are missing passwords

Postby cearnshaw » Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:46 am

Is there no way to see which accounts need to have passwords other than by logging into 3,000 accounts individually?

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Re: Finding user accounts that are missing passwords

Postby MikeG » Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:41 am

You could try looking in the USERS.INI file for any lines with "pass=" followed by a line-break.
You can probably do this with some clever command line tools, but I've done it in the past by making a copy of users.ini and opening it in Word, then using "Edit / Find" for "pass=^p" (which tells Word to search for "pass=" followed by a "paragraph mark").
Not ideal, but worked for me.
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Re: Finding user accounts that are missing passwords

Postby rob » Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:16 am

MikeG is spot on, the users.ini contains all the users login details and so if you look for a empty pass= line, you should be able to identify and quickly fix those users. The users.ini is usually located within the folder...

C:\Program Files (x86)\Code-Crafters\Ability Mail Server 2\config
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