Confused about SPAM Detection

Confused about SPAM Detection

Postby leebe » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:30 pm


I am busy setting up the SPAM Detection and noticed this:

SPAM Filtering Settings
This service allows you to enable various SMTP level filters which will help reduce or even prevent unwanted SPAM mails. Please note, these options do not affect mails received by WebMail or POP3 Retrievals, they are only applied to incoming SMTP connections.

so.. does that mean incoming mail does not get filtered? only sent mail?
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Re: Confused about SPAM Detection

Postby Code Crafters » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:03 am

No, all incoming and outgoing mail is filtered as long as it comes through SMTP (i.e. from a mail client or other mail server). Mail created via WebMail will not be filtered but POP3 retrieval mails are now scanned by SPAM filtering for black listing, white listing and Bayesian filtering.
Code Crafters
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