Double Attachments on certain types

Double Attachments on certain types

Postby m1byo » Wed May 13, 2009 3:12 pm

I have my exchange server setup so it as any emails are recieved into my mailbox it also forwards a copy to a mailbox on the AMS server.

This is because exchange server is configured not to provide IMAP access and so it gives me IMAP access to my mailbox from my phone when I am remote any my phone cannot affect my main company mailbox, whatever silly mistakes are made.
I do have an IMAP connection from my outlook set up so I can monitor this mailbox along with working from my exchange mailbox.

I have noticed that when I receive an email into my exchange mailbox with an attachment such as a jpg or a pdf then it shows up as the expected 1 attachment, however when I look at the AMS mailbox it shows up 2 attachments of the same name both of which are able to be opened and viewed like the main attachment. Also the email size also reflects that there are actually 2 attachments in the email not 1 as well.

This double attachment also ocurs in the same way on the webmail connection.

Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this?

Thanks very much

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Re: Double Attachments on certain types

Postby Code Crafters » Fri May 15, 2009 11:30 am

It's quite possible that for some reason exchange is duplicating the attachments. If you check the AMS SMTP logs for the mail size upon the Complete Mail Transaction event, this will confirm if the mail had the extra attachment before entering AMS. It's also possible that some intermediate such as antivirus / anti-SPAM or router is adding the attachment.
Code Crafters
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Re: Double Attachments on certain types

Postby m1byo » Wed May 20, 2009 12:43 pm

Thanks very much, I am waiting for another problem-email to come in to check the logs.

I will let you know the results when I have them


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