Postby Pugglewuggle » Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:44 pm

Not being rude, but are we ever going to get a version of AMS that takes SHA certificates? All of the SSL companies stopped distributing MD5 certs last year and I can't use SSL without an SHA cert! Please add this ASAP.

Also, how's AMS 3 coming?

I hope all has been well for you guys.
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Postby Code Crafters » Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:24 am

As far as I remember any RSA MD5 or RSA SHA certificate should already be supported. However, I'd recommend testing this before purchasing a certificate from a trusted CA if possible. If you can't get one without purchasing let me know and I'll try to test this by creating some test code to generate an SHA certificate for testing if it is supported properly. If not supported I'll try to add this into the next update.

AMS3 is almost a full re-write of AMS2 which is over 300,000 lines of complex coding so I'm sure you can appreciate this takes some time. We should be launching a new AMS2 update (2.64) in a couple of months and hopefully AMS3 sometime next year. Sorry for the wait; hang in there AMS3 is still coming along.
Code Crafters
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Postby sterling » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:24 pm

Jared, were you able to get it to work? I am going to have to get new SSL's soon and didn't even think about this issue until I read your post.

Chris, when will 2.64 be out? You and I emailed back and forth the first of the year regarding Tags in the Spam Filter messages and certain tags not working and you said it would be out within a few weeks, this was back on 1/5/2009 I am starting to get the feeling we will never see another update.
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Postby Code Crafters » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:50 pm

As far as I remember SHA isn't supported but we've had several suggestions to implement this so it will very likely make it into AMS 2.64 which should be out in around 8 weeks hopefully. Work should start on this in about 3-4 weeks time so I won't know more about what's definitely going into it until we have a meeting around then before the development starts. Don't worry, this update is definitely on it's way.
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Postby Pugglewuggle » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:31 pm

Yes, my SHA certificates don't work... only MD5... and as was mentioned nobody uses those anymore. I appreciate the communication and I'm really looking forward to this update and AMS 3!
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Postby Code Crafters » Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:41 am

I recognise that this is a needed update and has been asked for by a few users now too. I will do my best to make sure it makes it into the next update. Make sure you're on the updates mailing list via to receive an email notifying you when this and any other updates are available.
Code Crafters
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Postby sterling » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:34 pm

Any news on the update to allow SHA? Could you do an update just to allow this to roll it out quicker since it isn't possible to find a vendor offering MD5 anymore.
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Postby Code Crafters » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:53 pm

Possibly next week we'll be having a meeting to decide what's going into the next update (AMS 2.64). The update should be completed within a week or two following the meeting. I will certainly recommend this for the next update. If you haven't already you should add yourself to the updates mailing list via to be informed when AMS 2.64 and other updates are released.
Code Crafters
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Postby sterling » Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:50 pm

I just wanted to post that I was able to use a brand new certificate with out any major issues. All browsers and email clients don't seem to have an issue with it the only issue I could see is that when the certificate is listed in the program the issued by don't actually display a real name just a lot of gibberish other than that it seems to work fine.
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Postby Code Crafters » Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:36 pm

That's good to hear. Usually the Issued by contains all the attributes such as common name, organisation etc but these usually appear in a single line as cn=common_name,o=organisation etc. then are listed underneath seperately when you highlight the line. The front page usually just shows the common or certificate name but there is no real harm if not.
Code Crafters
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Postby sterling » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:19 pm

Chris, I've attached a screen shot showing how it looks on the SSL screen of AMS. Notice the second one from last year appears fine. I assume the new one just didn't list the name correctly because it was issued in the new format whereas the old one was using the older format.

ams ssl screen.jpg
Screen shot of SSL screen in AMS showing the weird issued by name.
ams ssl screen.jpg (18.24 KiB) Viewed 20435 times
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Postby Code Crafters » Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:22 pm

If you send me both certificates to I'll have a look at what's going on and see if anything can be done in a future update.
Code Crafters
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