psmtp issue

psmtp issue

Postby gabe » Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:04 pm

I have multiple domains running and all of them seem to have a problem with the Postini filters. When an outgoing email is sent it gets bounced. The error message is:

<>: Name service error for type=A: Host not found, try again

It does not make a difference what domain it is sent from or whom it is sent to. The only variable in the error message will be the email address and the domain name. Google support has not been able to help. If I send from home the emails get there without any problems. The DNS entries have been double checked so the reverse DNS and Parent records are correct. Our network appliances are not blocking it. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
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Re: psmtp issue

Postby rob » Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:09 am

The error message below seems to indicate that the sending SMTP was simply unable to resolve the IP address of the host ''. Now looking at DNS records, that host is fine. However, the error message is not a standard AMS type error message and so I suspect that you are using a third party relay to get that mail there. Perhaps it may be worth setting up AMS to work in independant mode for the domain '' (setup via a static route).
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