Our Ability Mail server supports over 1200 users and regularly handles 140 IMAP4 concurrent clients. Since upgrading to 2.70 we noticed IMAP4 performance to degrade massively and also mailing lists to take forever to process.
We did some checks on the server with perfmon and %disk time was peaking over 900 at times and sitting on 100 for long periods.......Microsoft recommends 20 to 30 max !!
The server was a P4 3.2 - 1GB RAM - 200GB SATA Hard Drive (installed 2005)
We upgraded the server last weekend to
Xenon X3470 - 4GB DDR3 - 256GB X256 Corsair Extreme SSD drive
The performance difference on the SSD in unbelievable. IMAP4 is faster than ever. %disk time rarely is over 0 and peaks to 10
The faster CPU does help but it's the SSD that makes the difference. Ability stores emails in separate files and the next to zero seek time of the SSD is the key.
Hope this may help someone having similar performance issues.