We upgraded directly from 2.xx to 4.1.2 (using the upgrade tools) so I may have missed a change somewhere in past years in functionality, but we had mailing lists set up (since '06, most of them) as department emails, some of them able to be triggered by anyone, some with a trigger phrase or some only by senders on the list itself. However, at one time, I could put in 0 for the 'Max Triggers per day' variable and it would allow for unlimited triggers (effectively an 'off' flag). Largely this was the default we used back then if we didn't want to have a maximum, and I haven't updated these variables since then.
Yesterday I had someone show me some odd behavior in email, turns out at least in 4.1.2 that a 'Max triggers per day' of 0 effectively allows 0 triggers! I also had to increase the maximums for most other lists we have, but that's understandable with traffic scaling up over time; the issue was that in the logs I had no real way of knowing that this was the cause of undelivered mail - I couldn't find any entries along the lines of, say [Delivery Failed: Mailing List Maximum Triggers Reached] or similar.
There appears to be no log entry (maybe in debug logging?) for a mailing list hitting its maximum # of triggers; does the option near the bottom of the Mailing List setup page "Notify on delivery triggers fail" fire off when the max is reached, or is this option primarily for delivery problems for individual recipients on the list? On one hand this would help me troubleshoot, on the other hand, I don't want a ton of notifications when antispam rules prevent delivery of bad mail that goes through the list(s)...
Increasing the maximum #'s is fine for the time being, but I guess I'm asking if it's feasible that a checkbox be added in to enable / disable the "Max Triggers Per Day" variable, or restore the old behavior of 0 triggers being "unlimited"? Also, I'm assuming AMS treats a 'day' as 12:00 AM to the next 12:00 AM, but could there be a read-only field on the mailing list management page, or perhaps a static variable available so we can check how many times a list has been 'fired'? Afaik there's no specific mailing list log at present, only the SMTP history of someone sending to the list itself; could we have an optional mailing list log option?