I have noticed random outgoing emails are failing with Unable to connect to the destination SMTP.
This is on our production 4.2.2 server.
So I have tested both 4.2.2 and 3.3.2 in a clean Windows 7 virtual machine.
The following issue ONLY occurs in 4.2.2
The outgoing mail queue is set to have lifetime of 180mins and resend delay of 10mins (the defaults).
If I create an outbound Windows firewall rule to block port 25, any outgoing emails are logged as Unable to connect to the destination SMTP and removed from the queue immediately.
i.e. They DO NOT honour the lifetime setting or resend delay.
This is not correct behavior and not how 3.3.2 works.
In 3.3.2 the message is held in the outgoing queue and when port 25 outbound is re-allowed, the outbound mail is correctly sent at the next resend interval.
So any outbound connectivity issues with 4.2.2 will result in instant message failure !!
The use of the firewall is used to simulate such issues.