Email Archiving

Email Archiving

Postby malcolmhum » Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:17 pm

Ability Mail version 4.2.2

We have email boxes with 30k+ email in and syncing with outlook on IMAP and also searching in Webmail is becoming an issue.
We have know you can change your deleted email box to another and then set a max amount of days to keep, but we could either do with the ability to set a max retention by each folder or a way of archiving all emails to a seperate account or structure after X days.

Could you suggest the best way to sort this if one exists or if it could be added to a future release.


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Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:27 am

Re: Email Archiving

Postby Code Crafters » Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:36 pm

There is no automatic way of deleting / moving emails that are older than X days other than for the deleted folder. However, you should be able to manage your emails manually over time by moving emails to an Archive folder when you're done with them or into several archive folders, perhaps one per year. If you need to you can also manually move email files around the physical folder structure within the accounts folder in the Ability Mail Server installation folder. These manual file moves should be picked up by Ability next time you log in. We will consider adding some Tool to Ability to filter and clean up / move emails in the future too.
Code Crafters
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Re: Email Archiving

Postby malcolmhum » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:27 pm

IS there a way for faster searching that you could store the email indexing, subject line, header and email body in SQL.
It take minutes to search headers or bodies to locate an email.


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Re: Email Archiving

Postby Code Crafters » Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:13 pm

There is nothing like that in the current system. WebMail has a search facility to find emails by Subject, Mail headers or full email header / body. However, this does still need to search the file system so isn't as fast as an indexed database. We may look at using a database for email header storage in the future but have no immediate plans of doing this as it would be a major update. For now, only user data can be stored in an ODBC data source.
Code Crafters
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