SURBL differs from RBL that is looks into the body text for named url's and then test these url's.
There is (at this moment) no support for SURBL but can reasonable easy be implemented with an
external application. Content Filtering has no option to give an external program access to the message
body... but Virus Filtering has!
I wrote a program that takes the message body file as parameter, reads it's contents, checks the links
and returns a 1 after the first blacklisted entry. The rest is very easy, mark it as spam or whatever
you whish to do with it.
I was triggered by this due to a flood of "casino" messages that contains reasonable normal dutch text
and were not detected as spam by the Bayesian filter while ISP's using SURBL were faster with marking
it as spam.
The way I currently implemented this (external program) is not optimal for performance but very effective.
Ofcourse it's better if it is directly implemted into Ability Mailserver. Technically this must be qute easy.