I have been trying to upload files to the filestore on my webmail.
I am trying to upload 3 files, 1x65Mb, 1x78Mb, 1x125Mb. I have enough space on the server hard drive and on my user profile to allow for this to be possible.
If I try to upload the 65Mb or 78Mb file, I do not have a problem (except it takes a long time!!!!!!), If I try to upload the 125Mb File, the server does not seem to like it and I get the standard Internet explorer error page as if the server cannot be found.
Suprisingly, I also get the same issue if I try to upload the 65Mb AND 78Mb file at the same time.
I remember reading something in the update log that the 100Mb limit for the file-store had been changed to the user-profile space.
Any ideas anyone?