Another suggestion for AMS:
The Group settings should have the ability to serve as a master control panel for global mass change-of-settings and easier management.
Let me explain: The current AMS release requires an admin to go to each individual user in a group to change small but important settings. This can be VERY time consuming even if there are only 20 or 30 users.
What I propose is that AMS has the ability to make global changes to a group that will override per-user settings (this should be an option, maybe a checkbox next to each globally-configurable setting) such as spam folders, where to send spam if marked as spam, even little stuff like compose in HTML by default.
A good example of this would be how Group Policy works in a Windows Active Directory Domain -- settings can be applied to a group or domain globally and can also be customized on a per-user level if required.
Doing this would make AMS a much more powerful server. I think that this, coupled with my ODBC suggestion, could catapult AMS over the top!
Please consider my suggestion; I am a programmer and web designer myself and can see the advantages to this for everyone!